A little bit about me

I’m Carley Gordon (they/she) and I reside and create in Kalamazoo, Michigan. I’ve always been hesitant to call myself an artist (probably because drawing and painting isn’t my forte and that’s what I thought made an artist) but I’ve been crafty and creative all my life! My first dream job was to be a fashion designer and create all kinds of funky clothes, but I kept getting distracted from learning to sew because I wanted to design a crazy outfit for a music video and then had to plan the music video, but you can’t have a music video without a great song so then I had to write a song and by then I just wanted to act everything out with my dolls instead. So it was hard for me to focus on any one artform and I’ve ended up feeling like a Jack of All Trades without much confidence in any one thing.

When I found polymer clay (through my sister) I immediately had so much fun. I had never used it as a kid so it was new and exciting. It was also just starting to become popular in jewelry, so it was fun to see what others were doing and try to develop my own ideas. It was also intimidating at times, seeing more and more people on social media working with it (and trying to sell what they made) but I really fell in love with the medium. It’s amazing how versatile polymer clay is, how bright and vibrant colors can be, how you can get so many different textures and effects just by what you do to it. It’s easy to use if you want to make basic things, but there’s definitely a learning curve for more advanced techniques and that appeals to me as well. Honestly, I love that burst of pride I get when someone comments on how clean, smooth, or precise my work is, because that’s what’s taken me time to master, and in my mind I’m being complimented on the dedication to my craft.

While I am in love with polymer clay, I do find myself making fewer clay pieces (fewer in number but higher in quality) and am keeping myself open and excited through other mediums. I’ve been taking ceramics classes at our local art institute for over a year now, and I’ve finally busted out the old serger my aunt gave me ages ago and am on a mission to teach myself how to use it. It’s hard to balance so many project ideas with a fulltime job, but I like always having something going, especially when it doesn’t have a timeline and can just be enjoyed.

More facts about me; I studied Writing, German Language, and Costuming at the University of Michigan and I currently have a job as a remote editor. My work desk is right next to my craft desk and I spend downtime daydreaming about my next creations…

I also live with my precious puppy, Rudy, and my wonderful sister and her two kitties. When I’m not working my editing job or making art (or prepping for markets), you can find me in the garden, watching Bob’s Burgers, or baking scones.

I post many items for sale on Etsy, but my whole stock can be found when in person! I plan on about 10 markets a year, where you can shop items not seen online and talk to me about custom orders! Check my list of events here.

Creating unique, colorful, joyful, silly, funky, quirky art

One hyper-focus day at a time

Chat with me

Contact me with wholesale or custom inquiries, invites to your market or store, or anything else you can think of!